Monday, April 15, 2013

Prayer in the Midst of Tragedy

Today has been a heavy day.  In the midst of a tragedy like the one in Boston, our hearts are heavy.

When things like today happen--it's important that we turn to our faith and pray, both as individuals and together as Believers.

Pray for our nation.
Pray for our leaders.
Pray for the first responders.
Pray for those afflicted and their loved ones. 

Pray for the return of Christ.

And pray like the below.

Father, You are the same yesterday, today and forever; You do not change. You have promised in Your Word that if we, Your people who are called by Your name—we Christians, the church—will humble ourselves and pray, and seek Your face and turn from our wicked ways, You will hear and heal our land. (Hebrews 13:8; Malachi 3:6; 2 Chronicles 7:14)

You are a refuge for the poor and needy, a shelter from the storm, a shade from the heat. But You are also our God, who deals with Your people as Your vineyard—when we go our own way, bearing bad grapes instead of good, You have said You will take away our hedge and break down our wall. (Isaiah 25:4; 5:1-6)

Have mercy on Your people. We pray in hope because of Your great love, knowing that Your compassion never fails. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. You do not willingly bring affliction or grief to the children of men. Help us examine and test our ways, and return to You. (Lamentations 3:22-23, 33, 40)

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